21 day clean, purge, balance
11 April 2020 Day 16 (Balance 2) – Food to Balance
Welcome to Day 16 (Balance 2) – Eat well; increase wellness, feel centered, and healthy when you eat for life.
“If you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also. For life comes only from life, and from death comes always death.”
Essene Gospel of Peace
You are what you eat. In modern times this reminds us to focus on living foods that renew and revitalize the body and avoid dead foods that accelerate aging and increase entropy (disorder). Dr. Rivene has always taught patients to eat “Love” foods, those alive with life force, and avoid “Fear” foods, foods devoid of life. Eliminate canned, frozen, preserved foods, micro-waved, old, and highly processed foods preferring fresh fruits, nut, grains, and vegetable in season, and freshly prepared foods as close to nature as possible.
Alive (love based foods)* Dead (fear based foods)
Fresh in season and local fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legume, Living water (from fresh squeezed juice consumed after squeezing) Canned, bottled, frozen, preserved, micro-waved, processed, meat, artificially flavor, sodas, candies, etc.
Freshly prepared foods leftovers
Eat from the rainbow of colors to insure a range of anti-oxidants and micro-nutrients.
Eat the Colors of the Rainbow
Red: Tomatoes, watermelon, radicchio, peppers, red grapes, beets, red cabbage, strawberries, currants
Orange/yellow: Squash, carrots, peppers, sweet potato (yam), pumpkin, papaya, mango, peach, nectarine
Green: Spinach, Swiss chard, green figs, broccoli, kale, peas, avocado, greens, cabbage, watercress, rocket
Purple/blue: Plums, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, eggplant w/ skin
To fit the needs of your body’s constitution (dosha) eat all six tastes sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent at meals (join our Happy Foods (link) class in May to learn more or sprinkle your food with your dosha churna (link) available at the office).
Eat all six tastes to balance your body
Sweet, salty, and sour to tonify in moderation, excess lowers metabolism. Rice, squash, celery, sea weed, lemon, fermented foods, etc.
Pungent, bitter, and astringent to reduce inflammation and increase metabolism. Radishes, peppers, spinach, greens, lentils, lettuce, mustard greens and powder, ginger, etc.
Practice this for 21 days to see the effects first hand. Continue the practices from previous days for the entire program to fully experience the benefits.
Take Away (Balance 2): Eat real living food (like nature provides) in all colors, and the six tastes for abundant balanced life force.
Enjoy your Balance,
Dr. Zaida Rivene, D.C.
083 290 1283
and Jim Montrose, Ayurvedic counselor