Dr Zaida Rivene Chiropractor, Naturopath, Gerson Practitioner

Journaling to achieve health or anything you want, by Jim Montrose Mar 2023.


Effectively reach your goals in any area for this Quarter and Year with Journaling!

A great way to move to greater health and achievement is to remove hindrances and blocks to your goals as your work diligently towards your goals. Journaling is a very effective way to track your progress, explore the hick ups, process emotions, and re-sculpt your self-identity to become the new you [see the retreat journal for more information on journaling]. As we prepare for the Q1 review, sign up now, email with join as subject,  to join the Zoom session,  here are a few hints and preparatory journal activities for the March 25th session at 9:30 am (for 40 minutes).

Hindrances to achieving your goals.

  • Lack of focus and distraction is greatest threat to doing your best work and achieving your goals. Whether its in health, relationships, money, or career you must do the aligned action needed. If you are working on your health, for instance, you must clean your diet and follow the plan to achieve optimum results.
  • Letting the fear around achieving the goals stop you or slow you down. Perhaps you feel if you were really successful you would lose friends or family or something similar that makes you self-sabotage your achievement.
  • Letting emotions that come up in doing the work cause procrastination or loss of productivity. Perhaps you don’t feel you have the skills, ability, or smarts to figure out what new areas you must master, and this is blocking your performance.’
  • You haven’t done the work and mapped your goals into quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals so you start each day without clarity what you must do.
  • You don’t have an effective review system and key result measures in place to on daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly evaluate your performance and make important changes to your work (including handling issues above) so you can get back on track and move to the next step.

Do any of these register for your achieving your goals? Perhaps you have been putting off buying a juicer to fully implement Dr. Rivene’s and Jim’s eating/lifestyle plan or emotional self-sabotage or blocks are affecting your performance. Try Journaling about it and drop me a note (Jim) about it before our quarterly review.

Journaling to get back on track.

We all know the pain of not living up to our potential, not achieving the dreams we have. It is one of the greatest threats to our productivity. After we have 1) really taken the time to dream, remove the dampers that oh we can’t really have that, written our goals down and created a dynamic plan (monthly, week by week) specifying the actions we will take to achieve it; 2) developed a system to monitor key results and discipline to work our plan day by day, weekly, and monthly; and 3) we must do the emotional work to handle the self-sabotaging thoughts, habits and beliefs we may have picked up. In creating our dreams and intention for the year, we ran into this emotional work. The first challenge is to dream big and not dampen it because we fear failure or believe it’s too much, we shouldn’t set ourselves up for disappointment,  believe it can’t be done, or other reasons. What’s yours – a great topic for journaling. Drop me a note if this is your issue.

This third pillar of effective goal achievement, handling the emotions, beliefs, and self-sabotage along the path is the one most people avoid. Yet the most effective CEOs and high performers in Silicon Valley, CA, that I used to coach in their business were very conscious that the limiting factors were themselves not their employees, the environment, economy, or other factors; and that is what I worked on with them. Could this be yours? Send me a note if you suspect this.

We must first change ourselves and become the person who can and does do the goals we have set. This is the emotional journey. We must do the work to change ourselves to become fearless, adopt new mindsets, release limiting beliefs and so on. This is why tools like journaling, meditation and tapping are so important to master.

Another diluter of our effectiveness is going too wide in what we take on for the year. It is better to go deep and narrow versus wide and scattered. For instance, if we want to learn something new, we could read 5 books on the subject every month and summarize them or maybe we take one book and fully digest it and transform it to our own expertise and wisdom by doing problem sets, create cheat sheets, experiments, and more. The second approach is usually better. A company may dilute their efforts by trying to create to many products and have many different products. Most truly successful companies are expert in their limited field providing the best most up to date and complete product or small group of products of anyone in their field. A health example is someone who chases all the latest ideas and breakthroughs one right after another; versus taking an idea and approach for instance to lose weight and really applying it to their life for a committed time and reasonable weekly weight loss expectation (usually only 1-2 kg per week).

If this is an issue for you consider using the distraction buster model, I use below. First divide everything you are doing in three areas: working on now, should be working on, and need to be working on and test each with the following decision chart:]

distraction buster decision tree                 

A huge one also is not dealing with emotions and releasing what’s bothering you then get distracted as it triggers. I have had a health challenge this first week of March and found myself on my back most of the week. Every day I am journaling to understand the emotional challenge that the physical aspect created. I would then tap on the emotions I had uncovered and restore my emotional balance so my physical healing was quicker. I am only now starting to work again on my goals and writing.

So, becoming conscious of the emotions coming up and working on them is highly recommended. When we address the issues and triggers with tapping or other emotional release techniques this can improve our ability to reach potential greater than anything else you can do for yourself. NET and/or tapping elevate your peak resiliency to create more health and manifest your dreams and goals. Step one is to recognize you are triggered and maybe not doing the health steps you set for yourself or the planning steps for completion this year.

Journaling for a better Q1.

Take the time to implement journaling and start by asking yourself these questions in preparation for our Q1 goal review on March 25, sign up now. Please drop me a note before the class with any specific questions and help you feel you need. We will do a group tapping to reverse an area of your life that you want to create more results. Use your Journaling to decide what area you want to see results in now!

Journal Prompts:

  • Did you take the time to create quarterly goals for each of the nine areas of your life? If yes, are you reviewing them, getting progress why or why not? Are emotions holding you back? Are skills missing? What is most likely?
  • Did you break them down into actions for each month, week, and day? Are you working your plan monthly, weekly, and daily? Why/ why not? Emotional, beliefs or other sabotage? Journal and tease out what may be your issue.
  • What subgoals for Q1 that you set in January are not being done? Explore why or why not? Work out the challenges and get to the core.
  • Use your intuition ask yourself what is keeping me from doing it? And meditate until you get an answer. Ask what emotion is triggering you? And meditate for the answer and journal about it.
  • If you suspect its an emotion, check if there is a body/organ (a feeling in a specific part of body – like tension, pain, etc.) correspondence to learn more about what is up for you. Review the emotional scale we have put in past blogs to check in with your emotions.

See you on the 25th,

Jim Montrose

Ayurvedic Specialist, Living Wholeness Ayurveda, 071 959 0786

Living Wholeness Ayurveda

P,S. – For further help – Check out the free resources and articles on wellness based beliefs and purpose and other topics.

Copyright Jim Montrose, March 2023

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From the N2 (Cape Town towards George) Take the first Swellendam exit (left). This is the R60. Proceed (1km+) through the 4 way stop and continue approximately 2-3 km and look for a sign for the Hermitage. Make a hard right (270 degrees). After the turn continue about 200 meters and turn left at first road (dirt). Proceed 300 meters and turn left into Red Roan Ranch and go to bottom of hill (the main house).

(Coming from George to Cape Town) Take the third exit (R60) right. Proceed (1km+) through the 4 way stop and continue approximately 2-3 km and look for a sign for the Hermitage. Make a hard right (270 degrees). After the turn continue about 200 meters and turn left at first road (dirt).  Proceed 300 meters and turn left into Red Roan Ranch and go to bottom of hill (the main house).

GPS:  S34 degrees 01.367 minutes, E020 degrees 25.193 minutes. Note most GPS units (Garmin, etc.) have the wrong coordinates for Red Roan Ranch.

Call if you have trouble 071 959 0786 or 083 290 1283