Dr Zaida Rivene Chiropractor, Naturopath, Gerson Practitioner

Dr. Rivene

Shark Wisdom Calling You!

Dr. Rivene explains the spiritual insights the Great White has for us all.

Shark Wisdom Calling You!

Dr. Rivene September 2018

The Great White Shark visits you to remind you of your “Self Identity.” This sleek macro-predator has wonderful qualities to share and expand your life. They live in all coastal and offshore waters with water temperatures of 12-24C (54-75F) in great concentrations off the coast of South Africa. They are curious, intelligent kings of the oceans and can be seen socializing in clans of 2-6 individuals. They are open ocean dwellers, recorded to dive to depths of 1220m (4000 feet) exploring the inner realms of the ocean.

Great White Sharks have an extraordinary power sense, enabling them to identify electrical and magnetic fields emitted by the movement of living animals.  Each time a living creature moves, it generates a concentric electrical field and Great Whites are so sensitive that they can detect ½ a billionth of a volt; even a heart beat can be distinguished by this radar sense.

Although Great Whites have an infamous reputation as ‘man-eaters,’ in the mind of the public they do not eat human flesh.  When they mistake humans for seals, their favorite food, they quickly spit human flesh out and break off contact (fatalities are result of blood loss and fairly rare).

Are you mistaken for something you are not? Or do you have great curiosity and desire to explore the inner depths of your being? Perhaps you sense a great ability to detect and identify things in your life that you want to share with others. Read on to see what the Shark Wisdom has to tell you today.

Shark Wisdom – Spiritual Insights

The Great White shark uses its radar of electro-magnetic signals to identify who and what you really are.  It is sending signals to ask you to detect where you are, who you are, and what are you feeling.    The symbolic force of the Shark Wisdom asks you to identify your highest Self in deep waters of consciousness and presence.

Identification of your basic view of reality and God is the template for how you exist in the world.  Do you feel rejected or welcomed, abandoned or loved, fearful or excited?  Do you see the world coming at you or are you coming out into the world?  To identify what you really believe in, you will need to pay attention to the way you act and what you do in stress conditions.  Identify what you spend most of your time and money on.  Identify closely what you eat and how much.  Identify your greatest fears.

You will instantly recognize if you believe the world is a hostile place, then you will need to find a way to control and manipulate your environment, so that you can exist in safety.   If you believe there is limited abundance to go around, then hoarding is necessary to survive.  If you believe that you are abandoned and rejected in the world, then it is necessary to close yourself to love and exploration.  If you believe you are broken, then it becomes necessary to find ways to constantly fix yourself.  Stop for a moment and catch your thought.   Thoughts shape your life and experiences. Would you want these thoughts to be true for you?  If you want a prosperous life, you must think prosperous thoughts.  If you want abundant love, you must have thoughts of abundant love.  If you want confidence and joy, you must have confident and joyful thoughts.  Whatever you send out mentally and verbally will come back to you in an identical form.

The spirit of the Great White Shark Wisdom is asking you to find your way back to wholeness by identifying what you are grateful for within yourself.  You were born whole and complete, innocent and beautiful and you still are.   Walk yourself back to being abundant in joy and amazed about love.   It takes the virtue of perseverance and vigilance to spot when you begin to think without love.  Focus on the sensation in your body.  Listen to the dialogue in your head.  You are really all right.  It takes a while to trust the attention you are giving to identifying what you think and return to the feeling sensation in your body.  Judge nothing that comes up, stay open to exploring your feeling place and then you will discover yourself moving into a quiet ocean space where you realign yourself with love, beauty and amazement.    The way to identify your life is to control your choice of words, thoughts and feelings.  You are the only one that thinks in your mind.  Let the Shark Wisdom guide you back to your wholeness, love, bliss, thriving and expanding.

This article was extracted in part from “The Secret Wisdom of African Animal Spirit” by Dr. Zaida Rivene and Jeannette Visser, 2012. To obtain your own copy and learn what fifty African animals have to say about you and your glorious spiritual journey in life purchase it at our website now or at the clinic on the ranch.

Lovingly – Dr. Zaida


083 290 1283

PS – Schedule an exam with Dr. Rivene  she is back in the office from September 12th or call now 083 290 1283 to begin or accelerate the process of uncovering hidden subconscious beliefs and replacing them with what you want to create in a new Self identity (Shark Wisdom) for yourself!

For further help – Check out the free resources and articles .

Copyright September, 2018

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From the N2 (Cape Town towards George) Take the first Swellendam exit (left). This is the R60. Proceed (1km+) through the 4 way stop and continue approximately 2-3 km and look for a sign for the Hermitage. Make a hard right (270 degrees). After the turn continue about 200 meters and turn left at first road (dirt). Proceed 300 meters and turn left into Red Roan Ranch and go to bottom of hill (the main house).

(Coming from George to Cape Town) Take the third exit (R60) right. Proceed (1km+) through the 4 way stop and continue approximately 2-3 km and look for a sign for the Hermitage. Make a hard right (270 degrees). After the turn continue about 200 meters and turn left at first road (dirt).  Proceed 300 meters and turn left into Red Roan Ranch and go to bottom of hill (the main house).

GPS:  S34 degrees 01.367 minutes, E020 degrees 25.193 minutes. Note most GPS units (Garmin, etc.) have the wrong coordinates for Red Roan Ranch.

Call if you have trouble 071 959 0786 or 083 290 1283