Creating clarity for myself.
By Jim Montrose Ayurvedic Specialist, November 2023.
When I walked the Camino to Santiago de Compostela (see blog), I had an epiphany as my eyesight was temporarily removed from me and only slowly returned as I completed the walk. I found the loss of eyesight and restoration as a message to simplify, be humble, to purge, remove distraction, to clarify and to keep it simple (KISS if you like).
“Souls are like unto mirrors, and the bounty of God is like unto the sun. When the mirrors pass beyond all coloring and attain purity and polish, and are confronted with the sun, they will reflect in full perfection its light and glory. In this condition one should not consider the mirror, but the power of the light of the sun, which hath penetrated the mirror, making it a reflector of the heavenly glory.” – Abdu’l-Baha
Life is so precious and valuable – yet I had become so busy that I didn’t take time to do what was most important and enjoyable. So, my January goal this year was to be more authentic which also had led me to trust the Universe more. My pilgrimage to Santiago woke me, brought me to my knees, instilled humility and gave me a new clarity and this has been and is my on-going actions.
Keeping it simple, creating more clarity
Clarity for me meant simplification and removal of clutter on physical and mental/emotional levels. These are some of the steps I am taking.
I set myself up for action, know what I am going to focus on before moving into my day – do it first thing in morning or the night before (to help reach my goals or dominant desires). Review my purpose, values and goals; then review and create my tasks for the day. Remove my attention from anything that does not support my primary intentions, a single pointed purpose each day will give me the wins and help me squash any distractions that are so prevalent.
Some affirmations to support my decluttering and achieve laser focus on my dominate intentions for the year (work with these questions for each affirmation – What does this look like for relationships, work, spiritual life? What are next steps to do this now?):
I let go of what no longer serves in my possessions, beliefs, and emotional reality. To do this start 1 room, make a beliefs inventory, make an emotional inventory take one at time and see if it still serves if not start to change it, eliminate, watch it.
I only do what feels good and get rid of energy vampires and time wasters. (consider people, habits, clubs, activities, obligations review and decide for each).
I surround myself in beauty and order. (room by room, possessions, places you visit, etc.)
I let go of false evidence and have compassion for my life.
I choose love, compassion, respect, and honor of myself.
I do my best; I flow, I allow the Universe (God) to handle it.
I get it right (Universe has my back always).
I am embracing and flowing with Self and others.
I nurture a “don’t know mind” so that in each moment I see fresh and new.
I release the conditioned or limited mind now.
Actions to take to clarity:
Physically – clean my space, remove all non-essential items, declutter.
Mental/Emotional – Pranayama (increase lifeforce and oxygenate – connect body with mind. Balance the nadis and channels with alt. nostril breath; NET; EFT (tapping); six sounds; Inner Smile; Yoga (balance body and chakras); chanting (OM; chakras- lam, vam, ram, yam, ham, om, k-sham); and Chi Gong.
Let Go of Distractions – what distractions could I let go of that interfere with my dominant intentions (social media, interruptions, screens (phone, TV, constant internet searching, toxic relationships, etc.) What can I do now to implement distraction less living now? Why important? (Results I would obtain in relationship, work, spiritual life?)
I decided to let go of all complaints, behaviors and excuses. I didn’t realize how often I would fall into one of these behaviors – now I am becoming more aware of them and trust it will eventually result in less of these behaviors as I take 100% responsibility and don’t use the C,B,E way out. I started by asking what am I complaining about? Just today I realized I was complaining and blaming and wondered how did I start down this path again? Why wasn’t I able to stop it (sooner). Also when I complain or C,B,E; I ask how am I like the complaint I am making? What does it tell me to do myself? How can I transcend this now?
‘… be freed of your servitude to the gods of your idle fancies to gain victory over your own selves … that hinders your advancement to perfection[excellence].’ -edited from Baha’u’llah.
The rewards of this life are the virtues and perfections which adorn the reality of man. Abdu’l-Baha.
Meditating on new steps, clarity in the now!
“Meditate profoundly, that the secret of things unseen may be revealed unto you, that you may inhale the sweetness of a spiritual and imperishable fragrance, and that you may acknowledge the truth that from time immemorial even unto eternity the Almighty has tried, and will continue to try, His servants, so that the light may be distinguished from darkness, truth from falsehood, right from wrong, guidance from error, happiness from misery, and roses from thorns.” – Baha’u’llah
I meditated on some of these affirmations and questions what more I needed to create clarity and purge and then read this quote:
“… know that the True One possesseth invisible worlds which human meditation is unable to comprehend and the intellect of man hath no power to imagine. When thou wilt purify and clarify with spiritual nostrils from every worldly moisture, then thou wilt inhale the holy fragrance diffusing from the merciful gardens of these worlds.” – Abdu’l-Baha
This answered my question what I do next develop clarity by purifying my life from top to bottom to reach the higher elevations and spiritual insights not available to intellect and the human forms of knowing – to transcend beyond. The formless knowing and not knowing – seeing life anew from the beginner’s mind.
It excites me and at the same time brings a little fear will I succeed and pull this off. A gentle knowingness intervenes, and I know this is the journey take one step and then the next, just like I did the pilgrimage. Do not project myself into the future, take it one step at a time. I realize, I become wise as I experience it myself.
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards,” – Soren Kierkegard
I journaled about the fear as I returned from the Camino and felt I might make a mistake on a lease. I remembered the Universe has my back and tried to surrender to the process. Meditating about making space for who I want to become.
I came up with – committed to my actions, clear to what my path is, positive, see only the good before me (even when I don’t at first see it), trusting the Universe. I meditate on bringing forth more of these qualities and developed these affirmations:
I release fear, stay loving & remember to affirm this when I forget.
The Universe always has my back.
True essence of safety is inside in the silence (I visit often).
I go for excellence and let go, I am getting it right.
I complete what I start and let it go, I let God assist me.
My continuing journey to clarity
Aristotle promoted the idea of becoming the excellence of being human and find that a worthy goal for myself. I also value my evolution as a guiding personal value that brings me great self-actualization, happiness and fulfillment. Like Maslow’s ideas of the hierarchy of needs I value safety, love, esteem, meaning or cognitive value of excellence in what I do, aesthetic evolution (mind, spirit, beingness), actualizing (my dreams) and transcending (to extraordinary living).
This is my framework of reaching to beginning levels of clarity, maybe someday I’ll know real clarity, and evolving that my Camino experience awakened and left me with. I am slowing working through these on an on-going journey – a practice of self-development that is about striving for excellence (letting go of perfection) as I do my best on the journey. In taking this journey the end is much less important than how it changes me on an on-going basis and hopefully elevates me at each step.
Some concepts and areas I practice on a rotating basis and meditate about regularly looking for how to increase my practice now!
Foundational arenas of character virtues and character strengths:
Wisdom and knowledge: creativity, curiosity, open mindedness, love of learning, perspective, innovation [creativity, curiousity, open-mindedness, love of learning, perspective]
Courage: bravery, persistence, integrity, vitality [bravery, perseverance, integrity, enthusiasm]
Humanity: love, kindness, social intelligence [love, kindness, social intelligence]
Justice: citizenship, fairness, leadership [teamwork, fairness, leadership]
Temperance: forgiveness and mercy, humility, prudence, self-control [forgiveness, humility, prudence, self-control]
Transcendence: appreciation, beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, spirituality [ purpose, humor, optimism, gratitude, appreciation of beauty and excellence]
To this I add some divine teachings and bestowals that most religions share.
Divine teachings– Love, Service to humanity (let love and light of the kingdom radiate through you).
Divine Bestowals – Sincerity of Intent, High Purpose, Purity, Spotless Honor, Kindness, Compassion, Keep the covenants (the word) you have made, concern for the rights of others, liberality, Justice in every aspect of life, humanity, philanthropy, Valor, and Unflagging efforts in service to mankind.
Remember you are more powerful than you know. Activate the amazing powers of your mind that include the ability to imagine, to choose love over fear, to experience all feelings, to learn, to transcend to higher experiences, to act with stainless purity, reflect with perfect motive, to grow, and to forget, let go and let God happen.
Watching words, speak to clarity and spirit.
The Bahai’s say, it is our purpose to acquire virtues, perfections in each kingdom – mineral – stability, vegetable – growth, animal – instincts and the five faculties of sight, taste, hearing, smell, touch and reason, so we may step into the world of humanity with the gifts of reason, the power of invention and the forces of spirit.
Use these powers through the action of Prayer – thought will manifest as words, words manifest as deeds, deeds manifest and develop into habits, habits harden into character; So, watch the thought and its use with care – let it spring forth from love, out of concern for all beings.
Remember ‘Language creates reality. Words have power. Speak always to create Joy.’ Deepak Chopra
There are seven qualities of enlightened soul:
- Knowledge – reason, power of invention, being a source for Spirit to come through us (all knowledge comes from Spirit).
- Faith – trust in self, Universe (God), the world, and humanity.
- Steadfastness – never give up, don’t falter.
- Truthfulness – foundation of all virtues.
- Uprightness – proper action that elevates all (and our stations).
- Fidelity – true to your purpose for being here and loyal to self.
- Evanescence or humility – a fleeting presence for upliftment (not weighing the other down). Seeing the connectedness of all and everything never thinking of self as more important than another.
What will be your journey?
This has been and is my journey this year, what will be and is your journey?
Do any of these concepts inspire you? Is clarity and evolution important to you? Then meditate on what your next step is? Reflect how you could use it in your life. What can you do right now.
If your familiar with Benjamin Franklin and his practice to elevate his virtue, he developed a small list of nine virtues that he wanted to develop. He took a new one in order each day and carefully observed his actions each day and reflected what he could do more of, better, or eliminate in his life to reflect each virtue more fully. Consider doing this with these items and make your own virtues development practice and meditations.
Identifying what areas and steps you want is the clarification process, if you are like me there will be some purification also required. Let go of certain distractions, purge, simplify, and KEEP IT SIMPLE. Perhaps best make it fun.
The journey is yours. Best of luck and happy growth, evolution and insights to more connection, love and excellence. Much love,
Jim Montrose
Ayurvedic Specialist, Living Wholeness Ayurveda, +27 (0)71 959 0786
P,S. – For further help – Check out the free resources and articles on wellness based beliefs and purpose and other topics.
Copyright Jim Montrose, November 2023
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