Happy at Will (inspired by Yogananda – author of Autobiography of a Yogi)

Happiness is often quickly replaced with sadness or boredom and sometimes short glimpses of peace. Yet there is a state beyond these of bliss that is our true state of the soul.

There are four basic expressions we see on the faces of people: smiling faces (inner and outer happiness), grim faces (sadness), unsmiling faces (boredom) and calm faces (inner peace). But beyond the state of peace, which is more accurately denoted as the absence of happiness, sadness or boredom, is the ever-new state of bliss that is your true native state of the soul. When the waves of exuberant pleasure, deep depression and the hollows of indifference disappear from the mental waters, the placid state of peace is felt. Reflected in the calm waters of peace is the ever-new bliss.

Negative and Positive Peace

There is a form of peace where we are calm and comfortable, that can come from having enough money, home, health and good fortune. We have an absence of happiness, sadness and boredom. Yet these individuals often reach a state where they think “I’ve had enough of this peace — I need some excitement and diversion (please give me a knock on the head so I can feel alive).”

The Yogi advocates neutralization of the waves of thought by concentrating to achieve a state of mental peace. Once the waves of thought are stilled, look beneath the still waters of calmness and find there a positive state of peace – the ever-new joy of the soul. This is the state that we aim for in meditation and is the state where all healing occurs. The steps to this are to practice meditation, live a balanced life, devote yourself inwardly to spirit (God) and this results in a state of ever-new happiness.

Drink Deep of Bliss

Let your face reflect the contagious ever-new joy of spirit, to achieve this you must eat and drink of His bliss in deep meditation. This must continue until you are filled with bliss in sleep, dreams and wakefulness and all circumstances of life. Let your joy flood from the fountain of your realized soul, let your smile spread over all you meet and the whole universe. Your every look must reflect your joyous soul and spread its contagion to gloom-drunk minds.

Stop dreaming that you are just an ordinary mortal, remember you are made in the true image of spirit. The Fountain of Cosmic Bliss is available in meditation and you must let it shower you so that it infuses all thoughts, and trickles through every cell and all your tissues of your whole being. You must remember at all times to be inwardly ever newly joyous like the laughing ever-fresh water of a gurgling brook. Be drunk with the true happiness receiving the joyousness of your soul after meditation. Constantly feel the blissful after-state of meditation. Living in the ecstasy of ever-new joyousness and whosoever is around you will be like you catching a whiff of the ever-new joy.

Until next time, breath deep of bliss — Jim

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From the N2 (Cape Town towards George) Take the first Swellendam exit (left). This is the R60. Proceed (1km+) through the 4 way stop and continue approximately 2-3 km and look for a sign for the Hermitage. Make a hard right (270 degrees). After the turn continue about 200 meters and turn left at first road (dirt). Proceed 300 meters and turn left into Red Roan Ranch and go to bottom of hill (the main house).

(Coming from George to Cape Town) Take the third exit (R60) right. Proceed (1km+) through the 4 way stop and continue approximately 2-3 km and look for a sign for the Hermitage. Make a hard right (270 degrees). After the turn continue about 200 meters and turn left at first road (dirt).  Proceed 300 meters and turn left into Red Roan Ranch and go to bottom of hill (the main house).

GPS:  S34 degrees 01.367 minutes, E020 degrees 25.193 minutes. Note most GPS units (Garmin, etc.) have the wrong coordinates for Red Roan Ranch.

Call if you have trouble 071 959 0786 or 083 290 1283