Push Against Nothing, To thrive more.”
June 2022 by Dr. Zaida Rivene
Push against nothing is my theme for this first part of 2022. Its become clear to me:”pushing against anything causes you to lose your thriving.” Dr. Rivene.
“…while it is certainly possible to withstand negative emotion for long periods of time, it is not the optimal experience for the cells of your physical body.When you learn to release resistance in the early, subtle stages, your physical body must thrive. Thriving is what is natural to you” Hicks/Abraham
Major thing found in my life at this time is anything I push against whether it is someone, something, external factors, media with opinions, or judgments I begin to lose my thriving power. The secret to a life of thriving is to avoid going to defense where we lose energy, lower our energetic level, and enter struggle diffusing our loving energy. We as humans are often trained to find an enemy (as we were told a variant of the common cold was our new enemy) and this has taken the world away from its thriving the last few years. Instead we must turn War into love. Allow all around us with steadfast detachment instead focusing on our vision so we stay in our love, joy, happiness and our center.
Push against nothing is the most dramatic lesson and the theme I have observed in 2022.
I learned if there is something that feels like a block or resistance I step back; I take a breath; I have an intention to solve the fear (false evidence appearing real) based illusion, to stop, go into meditation, ask what is good about this test before me. And to sit quietly, or notice the answer as I gently go about my day, until I get what the gift is. What this block or resistance has for me to learn, to change about myself, and to evolve.
Two quality question to push against nothing.
So I find the good aspect(s) that this allows me to grow and to expand into. To find what attribute it is asking me to activate within myself. This is the first quality question to ask – What’s good about it, how does it benefit me and others?
Then I ask Source that created me, the second quality question – to inspire me. “I’m open for inspirations that give me solutions, what do You want me to do? My job then becomes to trust in Source and self and put the solution into action. Trust that what inspired me is to the highest good for all and that I am doing my best in the moment.
I have worked with an affirmation for many years that addresses this area well that I share with you in love and harmony:
When I discover that my happiness is simply the result of my deliberate focus, I will finally end all misery and find the freedom that is my most intense desire…I choose guidance over my response to others, and my response to situations – is the only key to my consistent happiness, and to everything I desire as well… the more I remain in a state of deliberate being of what I want the more I will be happy with myself, with my life, with the attention I give to my partner, with my work and others; I will enhance my harmony and my alignment with Divine Source.
Live in Harmony, Love and Bliss. Push against Nothing! Love,
Dr. Zaida
083 290 1283
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Copyright June 2022
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