Dr Zaida Rivene Chiropractor, Naturopath, Gerson Practitioner

Dr. Rivene

21 day clean, purge, balance

4 April 2020 Day 9 (Purge 2) – Letting Go: Purge to rebuild the body

Welcome to Day 9(Purge 2), – Letting Go – Purge your digestive tract; restart the body and rejuvenate.

Intermittent fasting is like restarting the digestive system and encourages autophagy which is also known as self-eating (where the body starts to eat damaged, old and broken cells and proteins to become more self-protective and efficient). It mimics the evolutionary fast and famine cycles of our forebears that provides many health benefits and is an aid to longevity. Autophagy is a cellular process for recycling cells and clean-up. During a fast the cells turn on processes to utilize fat metabolism, reduce stress resistance and damage repair that are turned off when abundant food predominates. Inflammation is lowered as well and human growth hormone (secretin) levels rise which preserves lean muscle mass, reduces fat tissue accumulation and appears to play a role in longevity, wound healing, and cardiovascular health. Intermittent fasting is like a renovation of the body it can help reverse the aging process by purging the old cellular junk and replacing it with renewed (re-grown) cells and tissues.

To start your fast, eat your largest meal at lunch and then eat a light dinner and finish it before 7 pm tonight. Do not eat anything after 7pm until 12 noon or 1 pm tomorrow this activates the process. Feel free to drink water and maybe a little lemon and water during the fast. Nutrient deprivation is the key activator of autophagy.

To end your fast start break the fast with a light meal it should be a balanced plant based meal including salads, vegetables and a little light protein like grains and legumes. Avoid refined white sugars and processed/packaged foods. Stay with real foods; those foods that are closest to the way they come off the tree, plant or ground. You have started to clean up your food consider reducing meat, dairy and other concentrated animal products to reap greater benefit.

Please note that the human body developed with cycles of feast and feminine that provides a unique natural plan for rejuvenation and renewal if we just get out of the way. Many people find a weekly or monthly intermittent fast helps the body perform a natural detoxification and actives the body system for purging and rebuilding. Just as constant dieting can damage our health, we should not do constant fasting and probably should not constantly eat all we want (we seem to be meant to fast on a regular but not constant basis). Note the Wellness center eating plan that you have been given if you are a patient follows a 12 hour intermittent fast to encourage longevity.

Try this for 21 days to see the effects first hand. Continue the practices from previous days for the entire program to fully experience the benefits.

Take Away (Purge 2): Fasting allow the body to naturally detoxify and then rebuild to increase longevity.

Enjoy your Purge,

Dr. Zaida Rivene, D.C.


083 290 1283

and Jim Montrose, Ayurvedic counselor


071 959 0786

P.S. Check out the website (www.drzaidarivene. co.za) for other articles and resources on practices, words, inspired living, health, chakra meditation, Ayurveda and other topics.

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Copyright April 2020

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From the N2 (Cape Town towards George) Take the first Swellendam exit (left). This is the R60. Proceed (1km+) through the 4 way stop and continue approximately 2-3 km and look for a sign for the Hermitage. Make a hard right (270 degrees). After the turn continue about 200 meters and turn left at first road (dirt). Proceed 300 meters and turn left into Red Roan Ranch and go to bottom of hill (the main house).

(Coming from George to Cape Town) Take the third exit (R60) right. Proceed (1km+) through the 4 way stop and continue approximately 2-3 km and look for a sign for the Hermitage. Make a hard right (270 degrees). After the turn continue about 200 meters and turn left at first road (dirt).  Proceed 300 meters and turn left into Red Roan Ranch and go to bottom of hill (the main house).

GPS:  S34 degrees 01.367 minutes, E020 degrees 25.193 minutes. Note most GPS units (Garmin, etc.) have the wrong coordinates for Red Roan Ranch.

Call if you have trouble 071 959 0786 or 083 290 1283